An end-fed wire aerial for top band 160 metres amateur ham antenna.
The 160-meter amateur radio band ("Top Band") is a fascinating operating experience if you have enough space to erect its often long dimensions. In this video, Ray (G4NSJ) explores various end-fed configurations for this "classic" amateur radio band. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Ray (G4NSJ): I chat about an end-fed wire aerial for top band, the 160 metre ham band. It's a great amateur band but not so good when it comes to aerials. A half wave antenna is 80 metres long! IMPORTANT: Amateur radio licensees must comply with the ICNIRP general public limits of EMF. I will be taking this into account when completing the aerial installation. Chapters View all Intro 0:00 Current distribution 1:53 Feed impedance 4:40 The top band 10:37 The garden 12:36 Transcript Follow along using the transcript...