KH6JRM's Amateur Radio Blog, post 163 An emergency 6-meter antenna Although 6-meter openings to Hawaii are fairly rare, many of us amateurs on Hawaii Island look forward to times when the "magic band" is open. As is often the case, when 6-meters and 2-meters "open up" to the U.S. mainland, amateurs in the central Pacific often don't have a decent 6-meter antenna available when propagation is favorable. By the time I get home to tune in the 6-meter signals, most of the action has already past and many signals have disappeared into the noise. Such is the state of the ionosphere. However, I think there is a way to keep on top of 6-meters without an outlay of additional funds. Of course, it helps to have a rig that can cover 6 - meters--most of the current HF rigs from Kenwood, Yaesu, Icom, and Alinco cover the band. Or in my case, I can resort to an old Heathkit 6-meter rig in the storage room for such emergencies. As for antennas, you may have
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