Alpha Antenna HF Military 2.0.
If you need a quick set-up HF antenna covering 80 through 6 meters, please consider the "Alpha Antenna HF Military 2.0." In this video, Steve from Alpha Antennas and Josh (KI6NAZ) from "Ham Radio Crash Course" discuss this portable HF antenna system that is easy to deploy and use by radio amateurs, including those with disabilities. This system can also be used by hams living in deed-restricted properties or on small urban lots. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM). Here are some comments from Steve and Josh: Alpha Antenna has a new 6-80 meter quick deploy antenna on the market. The HF Military 2.0 is an easy to assemble and deploy antenna system for those looking for portability or something that deployed from a seated position without a lot of stretching or reaching.