Abbree Foldable CS Tactical Antenna
If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: If you want to add a bit more "punch" to your HT signal, why not add this new "Abbree Foldable CS Tactical Antenna" to your emergency "go-kit?" Michael Martens (KB9VBR) reviews the performance of this compact, lightweight VHF antenna and recommends the kit for those concerned with getting a decent signal from your HT. Here are some of Michael's observations: I was looking for an antenna to throw in my camping kit to give the portable radio a little more range. Typically campsites and backwoods locations tend to be RF challenged, so I wanted something for my Yaesu FT-3DR to pick up area repeaters and APRS traffic without having to hoist up a larger base antenna. With that in mind, enter the Abbree foldable CS tactical antenna. Become a patron! Unlock exclusive content at: https://www.patre