
Showing posts with the label A roll-up counterpoise mat for vertical antennas.

A roll-up counterpoise mat for vertical antennas.

  Here's another antenna accessory worth considering--a "roll-up counterpoise mat for vertical antennas." According to Australian radio amateur Peter Parker (VK3YE), this simple, easy-to-make counterpoise mat will improve the performance of your HF vertical antenna. The mat does a good job of replacing the tedious process of laying out ground radials for your "field" operations. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM). Here are a few comments from Peter (VK3YE); Is this your magic carpet for DX? Or were conditions just good? Either way it seems to be a handy accessory to have if you operate portable. Video includes construction details and an on-air test with contacts on 20, 30 & 40m. PS: If you liked this video please consider supporting Amateur Radio VK3YE by: * Subscribing on YouTube, * Checking my