9 Brilliant Ideas To Make Your Own Dummy Load. Post 1714.
9 Brilliant Ideas To Make Your Own Dummy Load https://www.dxzone.com/9-ideas-to-make-your-own-dummy-load/ Accessed on 17 December 2018, 2253 UTC, Post 1714. Comment: A "dummy load" should be required equipment for any ham shack or electrical experimenter's bench. Simply put, a "dummy load" is an off-air device used to adjust and tune a transceiver. A "dummy load" is a simulated antenna that permits test transmissions with out radiating rf energy beyond the device. Here are several "dummy load" projects from our friends at the DX Zone: A 100 watt dummy load. A 5400 watt dummy load. A 50 ohm dummy load. N5ESE QRP dummy load. QRP Power Meter and dummy load. An oil-filled dummy load. How to build a 130 watt dummy load (excellent video tutorial). Most of these projects can be built using locally available materials. Any one of these dummy loads will make for an excellent weekend project. Have fun and reduce RFI at the same...