80M Band Coil for 40M EFHW Antenna
If you already have a 40 meter End Fed Halfwave Antenna, you can add coverage for the 80 meter Amateur Radio band with this simple 80 meter band coil. In this video, Paul (OM0ET) takes us from start to finish on building this useful antenna accessory. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o__LWsCXL6c. Here are some comments from Paul (OM0ET): 61,140 views Jan 20, 2024 #antenna #homemade #EFHW 80M Band Coil. A simple guide how to easy modify your 40M EFHW Antenna working also on 80M band. Due to fact that has been use more turns that should normally be, the inductance is higher, so the extension wire is shorter. Testing with QSOs will be in another video or in the livestream. - Extension Antenna wire length is 1430mm/1.43m/56,299 inch. - Number of turns: 67 - Length of winding: 70mm - Coil former diameter: 55mm - Wire: Enameled copper 1mm thick (probably 19 gauge) - Screws, nuts: M5...