6' High 40m EFHW Real World SH*F Antenna-Concept and Intro
Here's a great emergency HF antenna for radio amateurs from Charles Kirshman (N8NK). The antenna is a modified end fed half wave (EFHW) configured as a NVIS (near vertical incident skywave) system. The antenna provides excellent local and regional coverage with an average height above ground at 6-feet (1.829 meters). If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuSpz3yqsEc. Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM). Here are some comments from Charles (N8NK): I felt like I never gave the ‘low 40m EFHW’ antenna concept a fair chance. Here's an example of a recent QSO using a 20m 6' high dipole: • Working Texas with a 6' High Ultra Lo... Wire element: ~55' long? I'll measure it after testing Height AGL: 6 feet UNUN: Multi-tap Tap used: 81:1 SWR: 1.0:1 Power: ~5.5 watts RMS Yes, I worked a few DX contact...