
Showing posts with the label 5/8 Wave 10m Vertical Antenna Build.

5/8 Wave 10m Vertical Antenna Build

Thanks to the evolving Solar Cycle 25, DX contacts on the 10 meter Amateur Radio Band are becoming a daily event for radio amateurs around the world. In this video from "ianxfs", we see how a commercially available CB antenna can be modified into a 5/8 wavelength vertical antenna for the 10 meter band.  This antenna should perform well with a few modifications. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are a few comments from "ianxfs": Further development of a design from the website below where a commercial 5/8ths wave CB antenna is reverse engineered. This enhanced model is tuned specifically for the 10m amateur band and also adopts a ferrite choke, which is an improved option over the air-wound choke which is also shown in the build. The parts for this simple DIY build probably already exist in your shack? If not, they come to about £5 for the air-wound choke mode...