40m Slopping Dipole vs Hustler 6BTV Antenna
If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f74jc7mxIls&ab_channel=SignalSearch This is post 2391 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. In this video, Johnny (W5KV--"Signal Search") begins a new set of programs comparing a variety of amateur/ham radio antenns. The first program features a "battle" between a slopping dipole antenna and a ground-mounted Hustler 6BTV vertical antenna. Both antennas work as designed with the vertical requiring a good radial or counterpoise system to attain maximum efficiency. Johnny does a good job of showing both the advantages and disadvantages of these popular HF antennas. Here are a few comments from Johnny: Comparing a 40m sloping dipole against a Hustler 6BTV ground mount vertical antenna. This is the beginning of a new series of videos titled 'Antenna Battle Series!' Episode #1. If you have any ideas for antenna comparisons