
Showing posts with the label 40m Slopping Dipole vs Hustler 6BTV Antenna

40m Slopping Dipole vs Hustler 6BTV Antenna

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: This is post 2391 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. In this video, Johnny (W5KV--"Signal Search") begins a new set of programs comparing a variety of amateur/ham radio antenns. The first program features a "battle" between a slopping dipole antenna and a ground-mounted Hustler 6BTV vertical antenna. Both antennas work as designed with the vertical requiring a good radial or counterpoise system to attain maximum efficiency. Johnny does a good job of showing both the advantages and disadvantages of these popular HF antennas. Here are a few comments from Johnny: Comparing a 40m sloping dipole against a Hustler 6BTV ground mount vertical antenna. This is the beginning of a new series of videos titled 'Antenna Battle Series!' Episode #1. If you have any ideas for antenna comparisons