40 Meter Inverted-V Antenna-Build, Tune & Test!
If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-vpRMQWanw This is post 2305 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. Thanks to Greg Alexander for this thorough discussion on how to design, build, tune, test, and use this popular HF antenna. In this video, Gregg configures the Inverted V as a "fan dipole" antenna. Here are some of Gregg's observations: A video documenting the process of building a dipole. How to build and tune a 40 meter Inverted V wire dipole HF antenna. Here I build a multi-band dipole antenna for HF use on 40-20-15-10-6 meters. Some call this a fan dipole. This is just a quick video of what I have setup for a 40/20 meter antenna. This antenna has been working very well for me in spite of how close it is to the ground. In a pinch it will even. Snow day project with the kids making a 40m ham radio dipole antenna. ----- For the latest Amateur/Ham Ra...