Simple Ham Radio Antennas: The sloping 30 through 10 meter delta loop. Post #245
How would you like to build a simple, effective antenna for 30 through 10 meter coverage with some gain over a dipole at a moderate cost? The answer is as simple as designing, erecting, and using a sloping delta loop antenna designed for 30 meters and fed with 450 ohm ladder line into a 4:1 balun connected to a sturdy antenna transmatch. The ladder line will permit you to cover frequencies between 10.100 MHz through 29.7 MHz with low SWR. You can also design the antenna for 30 meter use only by feeding the antenna with 50 ohm coaxial cable in conjunction with a 1/4 wavelength matching section made of 75 ohm coaxial cable. The latest ARRL Antenna Book has more details on how to make the matching section should you decide for that option. Now that I have more room for my expanding "antenna farm" at my new home site in the Puna District of Hawaii Island, I can set aside some space for antenna experiments without worrying about HOAs, CC&Rs, or unsympathetic ...