
Showing posts with the label 15m Moxon Ham Radio Antenna you can build from tent poles.

15m Moxon Ham Radio Antenna you can build from tent poles.

  Moxon HF Antennas provide another option for radio amateurs living on small urban lots.  The Moxon is easy to make and can offer significant gain over a "classic" horizontal dipole antenna. In this video, Colin (MM0PX) uses a variety of easily obtained parts, including tent poles, to design and build this impressive 15 meter band Moxon Antenna. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM). Here are a few comments from Colin (MM0OPX): Overview of my recently build 15m Moxon antenna. Here is a link to my 10m Moxon buiilt previously -     • Cheap Effective Moxon Beam Antenna fo...   Music 2 songs Avocado Street Wes Hutchinson Avocado Street Golden Empire The 126ers Golden Empire Music Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript MM0OPX Field Radio 5.24K...