How to build a six-band ham vertical antenna under $40.

 If you need a multiband HF antenna that fits comfortably on a small urban lot, then this six-band house-mounted vertical is for you.

According to Jack (W3CT), this homebrew project uses commonly available parts, cables, and basic tools.  

Jack says the antenna works well and takes very little space.  Be sure to ground the antenna properly.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

Here are some comments from Jack (W3CT):

This is one part of our hobby that I genuinely love! Building different Ham Radio Antennas from low-cost materials is becoming my passion. This total project for the antenna is under $40.00, less the coax, which you may already have. This is a longer video. I added chapter markers below so you can watch what you need or jump around the video. Thanks for watching. 73s LBY ABS Plastic Box: T130-2 Toroid Core: 22 Gauge Wire: 18 Gauge Solid Wire: SO-239: Fishing Pole Mast: 00:00 Intro 00:35: Explaining the build 01:47: Showing the parts 05:26: New way to measure the wires 07:17: Cutting the driven element 11:23: Measuring the ground radials 17:52: Preparing the ground radials 22:21: Showing the fishing pole mast 25:20: Taping the feed wire to the Fishing Pole Mast 33:28: Showing the test 4:1 Unun 34:21: Taking the antenna out of the garage 35:27: Moving the project antenna outside 36:28: Mounting the antenna to a 4x4 36:51: Connecting the 4:1 Unun 38:48: Adding the ground radials 40:19: Showing the completed antenna 41:05: In the radio room, talking about the performance

My Ham Radio Journey


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