Fibre Glass Pole-Easy Base Mount.

 Although fiber glass poles are convenient for supporting a variety of antenna designs,  the  options for base mounts are a bit more limited.

In this video, Peter Waters (G3OJV) describes a base mount that is "quick release, very easy, and low cost."  

This mounting solution is useful for both portable operations and deed-restricted properties.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

Here are some comments from Peter (G3OJV):

The fibre Glass Telescopic Pole is am easy method of supporting a variety of Ham Radio Antennas. However, it is not always so easy to find a method of supporting one of these masts. The most popular range of telescopic fibre glass masts come from SpiderBeam in Germany. The construction is superior to most other ranges and that makes them a good choice for base station installation. Peter G3OJV, describes one simple and low cost method of installing one of these masts. UK Ham Radio Store Spiderbeam Products 12m HD Spoderbeam pole MM0OPX VIDEO    • Which Pole do you need for Ham Radio?  



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