Ground Planes for Ham Radio Beginners


An exceptionally well-made video from "The Smokin' Ape" about the theory behind and the practical uses of ground planes for vertical antennas.

Ground planes and their close cousins the ground radial system and the counterpoise, are essential to maximizing the efficiency of your 1/4 wave vertical antenna system.

"The Smokin' Ape uses a good deal of humor and down-to-earth examples as he takes us through the world of ground plane antennas.  We all can learn something from this outstanding video!

Thanks for joining us today,

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

Here are some comments from "The Smokin'Ape":



What is a Ground Plane

Why Ground Planes

Vertical Ground Planes

What Does a Ground Plane Do

Law of Diminishing Returns

How Ground Planes Work



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