Using CB Antennas for portable Ham Radio


If you need a new antenna for portable 10 Meter/12 Meter operations, why not repurpose an old CB Antenna?

In this video, Walt (K4OGO) experiments with several CB antennas to see if they work on the 10M and 12M Amateur Radio Bands.  With a few modifications, these old antennas find new life as portable antennas for field or emergency operations.

The once familiar 102-inch (2.59-meter) CB stainless steel mobile whip can be transformed into an acceptable 10 meter antenna with only a few simple tools.  Why spend extra money when you may have an old CB antenna somewhere in your junk box?

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box:

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

Here are some comments from Walt (K4OGO):

Experimenting with various CB antennas on the 10 and 12 meter bands #portablehamradio #hamradio #cbradio



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