How to turn a fishing reel into a Ham Radio Antenna


Radio amateurs have used all kinds of materials to make antenna accessories.

In this video, Colin (MM0OPX) uses a commonly available fly fishing reel as the basis of a surprisingly effective HF portable antenna system.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL title into your browser search box:

If propagation is not working for your band of choice, you could always use your antenna to catch lunch or dinner...a definite "win-win" for any "field" operation.

Thanks for joining us today.  Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

Here are a few comments from Colin (MM0OPX):

Turning a Fly Fishing reel into a Ham Radio Antenna. you can adapt this to your specific needs Link to Fly Reels Link to Stainless Steel Wire Link to Fishing Braid


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