Two great Ham Radio videos from Michael Martens (KB9VBR).

A complete QRP activation and Ham Radio Camping-The best of the year.

Views expressed in these Amateur/Ham Radio video presentations are those of Michael Martens (KB9VBR).

Content and Source: ("Two great Ham Radio videos from Michael Martins-KB9VBR").

Please click link or scroll down to read your selections.  Thanks for joining us today.

Russ Roberts (KH6JRM).

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KB9VBR Antennas Ham Radio Q&A

New this week on Youtube: 

Click to watch video, or view it on youtube here: A complete POTA activation

How I do it! A complete POTA activation from start to finish

Watch me, in real time, as I deploy an end fed half wave antenna, set up my station on a picnic table, and do a QRP (5 watt) POTA activation on the 15 meter band.

View this video on Youtube:

Here's a video you may have missed

2023 was a phenomenal year for us. So many new sites to see and people to meet. This is a short compilation of our adventures this last year.

Video released: December 31, 2023

An Update from Michael:

The start if a new year is a time for goal setting and resolutions. I've seen others talk about their goals for the year and I think it is important to have something to work towards. I know a mentioned a few goals in my annual to ten list last week: content at least once a week, more web content, and more exclusive content for my members and patrons. I feel these are all achievable without letting quality suffer. 

But we will be talking about goals in our next livestream that's coming up on Thursday January 4th at 7pm central time. I'll share more of what we are working towards and will look forward to your input also. You can catch the livestream at the following link:

Finally, a little bit about this week's video. I get many requests of a more detailed look at my activations, so I thought chronicling one from start to finish may be a good idea. Let me know if you like this format, and if you do, what else would you like to see me do. Thanks.  

Michael, KB9VBR

PS: Become a patron! Unlock exclusive content like behind the scenes footage and unedited POTA activation videos at:

Hey! I'm also now on Mastodon! If you are a part of that growing, friendly community, you can connect to me at Hope to find you there. 

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Reliable VHF/UHF antennas at an affordable price

KB9VBR Antennas
Ham Radio Q&A


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