Build a dirt cheap speaker wire vertical antenna for HF.

 Portable HF antennas don't have to be expensive.  With a little ingenuity and a few tools, you can build an efficient, light weight HF antenna without spending a lot of money.

In this video from Walt (K4OGO), we see how a few simple tools, banana clips, PVC pipe, a beach umbrella holder, and some ordinary speaker wire can become a vertical antenna covering the 20 meter through 10 meter Amateur Radio bands.

This antenna is suitable for both portable and home station use.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box:

Here are a few comments from Walt (K4OGO):

Build an effective and inexpensive vertical antenna for any HF band. In this video I show you how to make speaker wire verticals to cover 20 through 10 meters. #hamradioantenna #hamradio #amateurradio Link to my drawing plan can be found on the Coastal Waves & Wires Facebook page.


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