
Showing posts from January, 2024

Build a dirt cheap speaker wire vertical antenna for HF.

You don't have to spend lots of money for an efficient, easy-to-make HF vertical antenna. As long as you have some binding posts, cheap speaker wire, a suitable feed line, and a convenient support structure (i.e. a mast), you can make a decent HF vertical in only a few hours. In this video, Walt (K4OGO) assembles all of these pieces and makes vertical antennas for the Amateur Radio bands between 20 and 10 meters. If you can't see the video, please insert the title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Walt (K4OGO): Build an effective and inexpensive vertical antenna for any HF band. In this video I show you how to make speaker wire verticals to cover 20 through 10 meters. #hamradioantenna #hamradio #amateurradio Link to my drawing plan can be found on the Coastal Waves & Wires Facebook page. Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript COASTAL WAVES & WIRES 14.1K subscribers   ...

Stealth Ham Radio Antenna With The Chameleon Cha Porta Mast/Flagpole.

Here's another great "stealth" antenna for radio amateurs living in deed-restricted housing. In this video, Bob the "HOA Ham" show how he used the Chameleon Porta Mast/Flagpole to support his nearly invisible long wire HF antenna.   If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are a few comments from Bob: This is how I operate on ham radio HF frequencies in the HOA with my stealth end fed wire supported by the Chameleon Antenna Cha Porta Mast -- it doubles as a Flagpole SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: šŸ„‡Anker Products: šŸ‘ŠPatreon:    / hoaham   šŸŽŸļøYouTube Membership:     / @hoahamradio   šŸ’µTip Jar: šŸ’°$15 off Xiegu / Radioddity: GET YOUR CHAMELEON ANTENNA GEAR HERE: šŸ˜®HOA HAM MERCHšŸ˜® A UNIQUE Badge ...

Top 8 portable ham radio antennas on Amazon for 2024.

  If you need a new portable antenna for both field use and for operating on deed-restricted properties, then this list of 8 popular antennas is for you! In this video, Jason (KC5HWB) searches for some truly outstanding antennas that will enhance you ham radio activities. Jason selects 8 popular models which can be used "as is" or modified to suit your requirements. Among the choices are antennas from K6ARK, Radiowavz DX40, and Windcamp Gipsy Dipole. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are a few comments from Jason (KC5HWB): Ham Radio 2.0   earns commission   on tagged products.   Learn more Upgraded TinySA Spectrum Analyzer, Seesii V0.3.1 Handheld Tiny Frequency Analyzer with 2.8 inch Touch Screen & ESD Protect Function, Size: 7.76 x 5 x Out of stock

Apartment Antenna for HF & Operating in England.

  Thank to Julian Frost (N3JF) for this truly inspiring video about operating from an apartment while he visited England. Despite the restrictions, Julian was able to make several good contacts on the European continent with his temporary antenna. Perhaps, you could do the same thing Julian did. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browsers search box: Here are some comments from Julian (N3JR): Julian Frost (N3JF), your Ham Radio Sensei, traveled back to England over the Christmas holidays and took the opportunity to do a little ham radio operating. Armed with the prerequisites for operating under CEPT rules, he set up a antenna from his dad's 3rd floor flat (apartment) and made contacts around Europe. If you live in an apartment, maybe you can do something similar? 1) SyntheticTextiles (STI) ST-3/32-100 - 3/32 Inch Dacron Antenna Rope - 100 Feet: 2) LAB599 TX-500: https:...