Is the J-Pole the ultimate 10 meter band vertical antenna?

Although I've used J-Pole antennas for the 2m/70cm amateur radio bands, I've never explored their usefulness on the 10 meter band.

This video from Michael Martens (KB9VBR) has changed my mind.

In this video, Michael discusses the pros and cons of this simple, effective vertical antenna.  Michael feels the J-Pole may be the "ultimate" vertical antenna for the 10 meter band.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box:

Here are some comments from Michael (KB9VBR):


Why I don't sell 10 meter antennas

What is a J-Pole antenna

10 meter J-Pole antenna dimensions

Building a 10 meter J-Pole Antenna

Deploying the antenna

Testing the J-Pole during the ARRL 10 meter contest

Contest results and my thoughts on the 10 Meter J-Pole


KB9VBR Antennas



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