
Showing posts from September, 2023

20m Moxon Antenna-Basic Build & Overview.

Here are the initial results of a home made 20 meter Moxon Antenna built by Colin (MM0OPX). This antenna is based on an original design for a rectangular two-element yagi antenna built by Les Moxon (G6XN). If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Colin (MM0OPX): This is an overview of my 20m portable Moxon antenna. You will see in the video this is not far away from completion. This should be a brilliant antenna with good gain and rear rejection. I will weigh this for the next video but the total weight (minus mast) is around 2kg. Cost so far in materials is around Ā£100. ----- Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).  

What is a Dipole Antenna? This is simple! HF Dipole Antenna.

If you want a simple, inexpensive HF antenna for both home station and portable use, you can't go wrong with a basic dipole antenna. In this video, Eric (KJ4YZI) discusses the theory, construction practices, and operational pros and cons of this "classic" antenna design.   This video would make a great presentation for your next club meeting or amateur radio license class. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Eric (KJ4YZI):   10,243 views Mar 27, 2022 #hamradio #dipole #hamradioconcepts It's just a dipole.. It is not magic. It's not the best antenna you can have, but it's the easiest and the most affordable... Check out the video to learn more.. SUBSCRIBE (Join the newsletter) CHECK OUT the new HamRadioConcepts podcas...

Pedestrian mobile with Peter VK3YE.

For an entirely interesting experience, please try this HF pedestrian mobile antenna idea from Australian radio amateur Peter Parker (VK3YE). This antenna is "light and effective (from) 7-50 MHz." If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments about the presentation: This month's presentation from AREG (Amateur Radio Experimenters Group) is by guest speaker Peter VK3YE who will talk about operating on HF Pedestrian Mobile! Many will be familiar with Peter's YouTube channel and range of books on amateur radio. In this presentation Peter will talk about: - What you can do with today's band conditions - Equipment and batteries to use - Light and effective antennas for use on 7- 50 MHz - Easy ways to get started The date: Friday July 17th ā€“ 7.30pm ACST (8pm AEST, 1000 UTC)     / vk3ye   ā±ļøTIMESTAMPSā±ļø ...

KK5JY "LoG" Loop on Ground low-band RX antenna.

If you live in a high noise area, this Loop on Ground low-band receive antenna designed by Matt Roberts (KK5JY) could add some peace and quiet to your ham radio operations. In this video, Scott (WX0V) builds this "LoG" antenna on his property and says it helps improve receive condition on the 160m and 80m Amateur Radio bands. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are a few comments from Scott (WX0V): Here is the KK5JY Loop on Ground, or "LoG", low-band (primarily 160m and 80m) receive antenna at my station. This antenna was designed by Matt Roberts, KK5JY. Please refer to his web site for more information on this antenna: The cores that I used are the Amidon BN61-202 binocular cores, which are readily available on-line. Some have stated that a 73 mix binocular core is better than a 61 mix (or 43 mix). That is possible, too. It doesn...

Simple stealth ham radio antenna for HOA hams.

Living in a deed-restricted home, condo, or apartment can present serious antenna challenges. In this video, Tim (G5TM) explores another antenna idea for HOA hams. This antenna offers excellent performance for 20 meters through 10 meters at a reasonable cost. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Tim (G5TM): Live in a HOA or antenna restricted neighbourhood? What about this idea for a low profile multiband antenna for your QTH? Connect with my channel by subscribing and commenting. Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript Tim G5TM 11.4K subscribers Videos About 6:21 Ham Radio: HF Mobile With The Slidewinder DX Coil & Chameleon 2.0 Whip Antenna by Tim G5TM 5:04 Ham Radio - Simple DX Antenna by Tim G5TM ----- Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).