How to go bicycle mobile on the 160m ham band.

For a new mobile experience, why not try bicycle mobile on the 160 meter Amateur Radio Band?

In this video, Alex (VK3JX) and Michael (VK3CMC) go on the road with a homebrew 160 meter station mounted on a bike.

Despite the inefficient antenna system, the operation was a success.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box:

Here's more information from Alex and Michael:

"In this video VK3CMC goes bicycle mobile while operating on the 160M ham radio band. He goes through some of the the items used to allow him to operate at 1.860 MHz, his bicycle and display some of his off road skills. A must watch for any amateur radio operator! This video features VK3CMC Michael and VK3JX Alex based in the south eastern suburbs of Melbourne Australia."


Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).



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