
Showing posts from May, 2023

80 Meter NVIS Antenna.

In this video, Tim Carter (W3ATB), shows us how to build and install a simple 80-meter NVIS antenna (Near Vertical Incidence Skywave). Tim takes you step by step through the entire process--no fluff, fancy drawings, or flowery commentary.  Just the basic setup and operational facts. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Tim (W3ATB): " NVIS stands for Near Vertical Incidence Skywave.   It's a skywave radio-wave propagation path that provides usable signals in the medium distances range.   NVIS is typically used for communication ranges of from 50 to 600 miles.   When topographical features, such as mountainous terrain, are involved, the typical ground wave distance of 50 miles can be reduced to very short distances. A horizontally polarized antenna provides the best NVIS propagation. A wire half-wave dipole trimmed for the frequency ...

Unlocking the Secrets of The Half Square Antenna.

If you need a bidirectional wire HF antenna with significant gain, then please try this Half Square Antenna project from Callum, The DX-Commander (M0MCX). Callum does an excellent job of explaining the design and functionality of this popular HF Antenna. The Half Square is one of my favorite antennas for the upcoming ARRL Field Day during the last full weekend of June. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are a few comments from Callum (M0MCX): Let's unlock the the Secrets of the Half Square Antenna - How to build a half-square antenna and let us look at the gain structure. Maybe a 40m band project. Ideal if you have some trees maybe? Callum. More videos: ā–¶ļø     ā€¢ Antenna Modelling   Antenna Modelling ā–¶ļø     ā€¢ Tips and Tricks   Tips and Tricks ā–¶ļø     ā€¢ Antennas   Antennas...

Fastest No Tune 80-10 EFHW NVIS Antenna-Chalk Line-Based Ham Radio Antenna.

If you need to set up a NVIS (Near Vertical Incidence Skywave) at home or in the field, then this well-constructed, easy-to-understand video from the "Bucktail Outdoor Resources" website is for you. This antenna is an EFHW using copper wire and a chalk line reel.  The antenna doesn't require a "tuner" to cover 80m through 10m. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from "Bucktail Outdoor Resources": NanoVNA SWR Tested Amateur Radio antenna based on a chalk line reel and copper wire. This may be the least hassle way to set up an HF / Shortwave antenna without a tuner in the field, without adding extra weight. QRP only unless you use a larger 49:1 or 64:1 transformer. Comment your thoughts or observations, and subscribe if you would like to see more! QRPGUYS No Tune Mini EFHW 80-10: ----- Thanks...

3 Ham Radio Antenna Mounts for Portable Operations on a picnic table.

In this video, Kevin (K7SW) examines 3 simple mounts for clamping your portable antenna on a picnic table or bench. These mounts are stable and easy to use, whatever your HF/VHF/UHF preferences are for your next field operation. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are a few comments from Kevin (K7SW): In this video, we'll show you three ham radio antenna mounts that are perfect for portable operations on a park bench. Whether you're a new ham radio operator or a seasoned pro, these mounts make it easy to set up your antenna and start communicating. We'll compare a low-cost model that clamps to a pipe or picnic table, a more expensive model that provides a solid vertical mount, and a versatile mount that can be used in three different configurations. You'll learn the pros and cons of each option, and discover which one is right for your needs. Don't miss this oppo...

The Easy and Cheap Ham Radio Apartment Antenna.

Many newly-licensed radio amateurs face daunting and almost impossible antenna issues.  Most of these problems are tied to lack of space or restrictions imposed by deed-restricted properties. In this video, newly-license technician class operator Max Carlisle solves his 2m/70cm antenna difficulty by using glass-mounted VHF/UHF mobile antenna from Tram. Max says he gets on the air without any problems with this antenna arrangement. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Max: In my previous Ham Radio video, talking about my 1st Ham Radio rig and becoming a new Ham in 2022, I didn't talk enough about the antenna I was using. This video is to answer those antenna questions and show my simply solution to a VHF Ham Radio antenna in my apartment. What do you do when you're in an apartment, with no balcony, and you can't drill through the walls? The antenna:...

The Amazing Kite Antenna-Full Parts List and Expenses.

In this video, Callum (M0MCX) discusses the design, evolution, and use of kite antennas with James Day, a well-know kite antenna expert from the UK. If you can't see the video, please insert this URL title into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Callum (M0MCX): We talk to James Day about his incredible experience of Kite Antennas. Which kite, how high, what antenna wire, - everything to go flying with your first Kite Antenna! James used this kite: And he used this wire: Asda in the UK do these ground stakes: (Just use your favorite search engine to find a "PET STAKE") ----- Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).  

Window Screen Ground Plane Test.

If you need an easy-to-install ground system for your 1/4 wave vertical HF antenna, try this intriguing idea from "Classic Clay Presents" (KO4MEX), Rather than using long lengths of wire, this ground system consists of a large window screen--something you can find at a hardware store or building supply outlet.  You roll up the screen and store it in your vehicle before going to the field for your next portable operation. According to this video, the window screen ground plane works well enough to make it a valuable antenna accessory. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some notes from the video: Here is my interpretation of using metal window screen as a ground plane. Wow i was impressed! Despite poor band conditions it seemed to work almost just as well as the long radials and is much quicker to set up. I will be testing it more in the near future when the bands are b...

Amazing performance of ARRL 40-10 EFHW on WARC Bands

According to Dave Casler (KE0OG), the recently introduced ARRL 40m-10m end fed halfwave antenna has some additional qualities for those who enjoy experimenting with antennas. With a few modifications, this antenna can be used on the WARC Bands without much loss in performance.  Dave discusses some of these alterations in the spirit of getting more from an antenna designed for only a few amateur radio frequencies. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Dave (KE0OG): We are going to respond to a comment, which suggests that we test it on all the bands. Watch to learn more abut this antenna that I have been using a lot. Subscribe:     / davecasler   . Giveaway Info: Edited and Videographed by Aidan Jakeman To learn more about me, visit: To support my channel financi...

Finalizing and elevating my tilt over mast-part 2.

In part 2 of his tilt over tower and antenna maintenance series, Kevin (K7SW) completes the repair of his fan dipole antenna, removes damaged antenna parts, and elevates his tilt over mast to its full upright position. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments and suggestions from Kevin (K7SW): In this continuation of our antenna maintenance series, we're moving to the final steps: finalizing the Fan Dipole HF antenna, securing the cabling, and raising the 40-foot tilt-over antenna mast back up. For new hams who may be unfamiliar with the tilt-over mast system, this will be valuable information as to how this system works. Tune in to continue enhancing your knowledge and ensuring your antennas remain in peak working condition. More videos of home brew tilt up masts.     ā€¢ KG0ZZ's Amateur R...       ā€¢ Tilt...