
Showing posts from April, 2023

The easiest antenna build for Six Meters using one piece of RG-58 coax.

If you need a simple, inexpensive, efficient antenna for the 6-meter Amateur Radio band, please consider this coaxial dipole made from a single piece of RG-58 coax. The antenna is easy-to-make and can fit into your "go-kit for portable and emergency operations. If you can't see the video from Hayden (VK7HH), just insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Hayden: This is a really simple and easy to construct antenna that will get you on the air on the six meter band using only RG-58 coax! I needed a quick and simple antenna for my WSPR beacon over the summer season. Enter the coaxial dipole or aka flowerpot antenna! Buy RG-58 šŸ‘‰ (Amazon) (eBay) ā–ŗ $15 OFF at Radioddity: Above links are affiliate The design details are available at VK2ZOI's website below: Zachtek...

Some thoughts on HOA antennas.

Radio amateurs living in deed-restricted properties, such as HOAs and CC&Rs, know the difficulties of operating under often severe restrictive covenants.  Antennas can be problematic, often leading to ham radio operations in public parks and other mobile accessible locations. In this video, Glenn (N6GN) of the Northern Colorado Amateur Radio Club offers a few suggestions for those living in deed-restricted homes and apartments. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).  

Cheap compact 160m antenna ideas.

The 160 meter amateur radio band can be lot of fun if you have the right antenna. In this video, Callum (M0MCX), the "DX Commander", discusses four inexpensive, easy-to-build antennas that will get you 160 meters without taking up too much space. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Callum (M0MCX): I need a 160m Antenna. Let's look at Inverted L, Sloper, Loaded Vertical a Compact Dipole and the Halo (loop). Let us consider the problem, walk the area and discuss how each would work. Linear Loaded Dipole:     ā€¢ Small Cheap Linea...   73, Callum. More videos: ā–¶ļø     ā€¢ Antenna Modelling   Antenna Modelling ā–¶ļø     ā€¢ Tips and Tricks   Tips and Tricks ā–¶ļø     ā€¢ Antennas   Antennas ā–¶ļø     ā€¢ Live...

Making Ham Radio Antennas out of things that aren't antennas.

Here's one of the most fun and enjoyable antenna tutorials on the internet.  Thanks to Mike (K8MRD) and his friends, we find that almost anything metal can be used as a ham radio antenna...even a pair of crutches and an empty liquor bottle. If you like to experiment with unusual, "offbeat" antenna ideas, then this video is for you. Most of these antennas actually work.  So the next time you need an antenna for some emergency or field operation, just let your imagination run wild.  An excellent presentation. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are a few comments from Mike (K8MRD): We team up to make the most absurd antennas we could think of at the Ham Radio Adventures PacBeach Meetup 2022. Which one will win?? Find out in this WSPR Challenge. Become a member of Ham Radio Adventures here: Consider becoming a Patron @ https://www....

Mid-Week on Ham Radio--Testing a new antenna.

One of the true joys of Amateur Radio is experimenting with antenna designs. In this video from Callum (M0MCX), we see a prototype of a new 40m/20m vertical antenna. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Callum (M0MCX: This is the 40m / 20m special design I'm testing out. It's 6.5m long (only) and has a 35uH coil at around 5.5m. Resonates on 20m and 40m. Let's try it out! Callum. Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).  

HF Back-Yard Secret-A Budget Class Antenna System.

Peter Waters (G3OJV) describes the "Back Yard Secret HF Antenna" that can fit into a small urban lot.  Peter's design is a modified end-fed wire antenna using a 49:1 UnUn and a good ground radial system. Peter's antenna is configured as an inverted "L". The antenna is simple, effective, and capable of working several Amateur Radio HF bands. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).  

ZS6BKW HF multi-band ham radio antenna build.

Thanks to Bret of the "SurvivalComms" video channel for this easy-to-make ZS6BKW multiband HF antenna.  The antenna is a variant of the popular G5RV HF antenna. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Bret: Short video on constructing an HF Multiband wire antenna - The ZS6BKW. It is a variation of the G5RV . #survivalcomms #survivalantennas ----- Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).  

Ham Radio: Easy Vertical Multi-Band Antenna, 40-10 metres.

Thanks to Tim (G5TM) for this excellent discussion of the Rybakov Antenna, an antenna well suited for both home and field use. Tim explains the theory and practical applications for this antenna which can be made with locally available materials. The "classic" Rybakov Vertical Antenna configuration calls for  7.6-8.0 meters/25-26 feet of wire supported by a flexible fiberglass mast and fed through a 4:1 UnUn.   Tim takes us through the design, building, and testing parameters of this useful, inexpensive vertical antenna. ----- Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

Easy to Build Vertical No-Radial HF Antenna.

If you need a compact, easy-to-make vertical HF antenna with no radials, then this "Coastal 20" antenna design from Walt (K4OGO) may be of interest to you.  The antenna covers all Amateur Radio Bands between 20 meters and 10 meters. The antenna can be used at both your home station and "in the field." If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Walt (K4OGO): Going portable with the easy to build ā€œCoastal 20ā€ vertical no-radial multiband HF antenna for 20 through 10 meters #hamradio #hamradioantenna #verticalantenna ----- Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).  

Vertical Antennas 101: The importance of radials.

Thanks to Callum (M0MCX) for this excellent, easily understood discussion of vertical antennas and their radial systems.  A good ground radial or counterpoise system is necessary to realize the full potential of a vertical antenna.  Radial systems can be at ground level or even elevated to maximize the potential of  your vertical antenna. Callum explores both the theoretical and practical implications of ground radial systems, and shows us how to make these vital antenna accessories. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Callum (M0MCX): So many permutations BUT there IS science hidden behind the myths. Allow me to untangle this in just a few minutes. Here's the link I mentioned:     ā€¢ 12 Volts, 6 Men a...   Here's the radial pins: More videos: ā–¶ļø  ...

Single Ground Radial System for all your portable antennas.

Thanks to Bob, the "HOA Ham" for this compact, simple, and effective ground radial system for your portable antennas. Bob takes you step-by-step through the theory behind ground radial systems to the construction and positioning of radials for your antennas.  These techniques can be used both at home stations and those in the field. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Bob: I will show you how to make a Single Ground Radial System for ALL Your Portable Antennas: POTA, SOTA, Back Yard Portable SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Patreon: YouTube Membership:     / @hoahamradio   Tip Jar: HOA Ham MERCH: Https:// Xiegu / Radioddity Discounts: SOCIAL MEDIA: HOA Ham Facebook Group: