The easiest antenna build for Six Meters using one piece of RG-58 coax.
If you need a simple, inexpensive, efficient antenna for the 6-meter Amateur Radio band, please consider this coaxial dipole made from a single piece of RG-58 coax. The antenna is easy-to-make and can fit into your "go-kit for portable and emergency operations. If you can't see the video from Hayden (VK7HH), just insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Hayden: This is a really simple and easy to construct antenna that will get you on the air on the six meter band using only RG-58 coax! I needed a quick and simple antenna for my WSPR beacon over the summer season. Enter the coaxial dipole or aka flowerpot antenna! Buy RG-58 š (Amazon) (eBay) āŗ $15 OFF at Radioddity: Above links are affiliate The design details are available at VK2ZOI's website below: Zachtek...