
Showing posts from February, 2023

How to make a 20 meter half-square antenna with custom brackets.

If you need a high-performance DX antenna, please consider this "20 Meter Half Square" design from Chuck (KK6USY). With a few modifications, this antenna can also work on several other HF Amateur Radio Bands. Chuck takes us step-by-step through the antenna design, building, testing, and operational phases of this valuable DX tool. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Chuck (KK6USY): 5,084 views Premiered Jan 10, 2022 #DIY #how In this videoI show how I make your own DIY 20m Half Square antenna with brackets I made on my 3D printer. Canā€™t put up a really high horizontal antenna for 80-meter DXing? Maybe the vertically polarized ā€œHalf-Squareā€ might bethe antenna for you. Merch. : https://kk6usy-ham-radio-adventures.m... As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Ferrule crimp tool, Silicone wire, https://am...

Ham Radio Monster Antenna of ZL3SV.

It's not often that radio amateurs build a truly "monster antenna" for their operations. In this video from Roly (ZL1BQD), we see how Gary (ZL3SV) designed, built, and operated one of the largest multiband HF antennas found in Amateur Radio.  The performance of this wire antenna is truly amazing! Most of us will never build such an antenna, but we can dream. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are a few comments from Roly (ZL1BQD): 18,924 views Mar 4, 2021 #HamRadio Very occasionally Ham Radio operators have the room to erect a MONSTER ANTENNA. In this video we explore the Monster Antenna of ZL3SV - Gary... #HamRadio #MonsterAntenna ----- Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).  

Ultimate Guide--How to install radials for vertical antennas.

A good ground radial or counterpoise system is the key ingredient to maximizing performance of a ground-mounted HF vertical antenna. In this video, Callum (M0MCX) show us how he installed a ground radial system for one of his vertical antenna.  Using bio-degradable "lawn pins", he was able to conceal his radial system at ground level. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Callum (M0MCX): 9,687 views Mar 8, 2022 This is how I've installed 32 radials for my vertical in the back yard - I've done mine now and I'm very pleased with the result. Callum. More videos: Antenna Modelling Tips and Tricks Antennas Live Streams My Stuff https://y...

How to make a simple Fan Dipole Antenna-No Tuner Required

If you want a multiband hf antenna, but lack a "tuner" to bring swr under control, then please try this "fan dipole" design from Chuck Thompson (KK6USY). Chuck takes us through the design, construction, testing, and use of this simple, effective antenna.  A fan dipole antenna is suitable for both home station and portable use. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Chuck (KK6USY): 7,438 views Premiered Nov 23, 2020 #MNHR The Fan Dipole is one of the Best portable wire antennas if you don't have a tuner! In this video I show what I used and how I assembled a fan dipole antenna for portable use on POTA or SOTA activations. Then I show how I deploy the antenna in the field. Check out the Ham Radio Adventures Merch shop: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Materials used in th...