10 Meter Ladder Line J Pole Antenna/Build and Test

If you want a simple, easily-deployable 10 meter antenna for both home and portable use, please consider this 10 meter ladder line J Pole from Steve of the "Ham Radio Portable video channel."

Steve takes us step-by-step through the design, construction, and testing phases of this versatile antenna.  Make one for your Amateur Radio "go-kit" or for a dedicated 10 meter antenna at your home station.

Here are a few comments from Steve:

Easy to build 10 Meter vertical antenna. A start to finish antenna build of a ladder line J pole antenna cut for the 10 meter band. I also follow up with a few of the contacts that I made in the ARRL 10M Contest. An excellent antenna for local ground wave communication or chasing DX.


Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).



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