
Showing posts from October, 2022

A High Performance Antenna for restricted spaces

Thanks to Hayden of the "Ham Radio DX" video channel for this ultra simple Moxon Antenna for the 6 meter Amateur Radio Band.  If you have limited space for an antenna, please try this design.  Moxon Antennas are simple, easy-to-build antennas that deliver good performance at a moderate cost.  You can follow the basic instruction in this video to build Moxon Antennas for several Amateur Radio Bands. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Hayden: Our Field Day is coming up, so we decided to build one for the 6 meter band and demonstrate the fun that can be had building and experimenting with antennas! This is a Moxon antenna and it is a popular directional 2 element beam antenna that takes up less space (70%) than a standard yagi. Moxon Generator šŸ‘‰ Another SUPER SIMPLE Antenna to Build for 6 Meters! šŸ‘‰ h...

10 Meter Dipole Antenna for Ham Radio

Thanks to the evolving solar cycle 25, upper HF bands, such as 10 meters, are getting more active than in years past.  If you need a simple, effective antenna for 10 meters, please give this design from "TheSmokinApe" a try. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from "TheSmokinApe": In this video, we take a look at a quick 10-meter (10m) dipole antenna for ham radio that I was able to put together from some spare parts I had in the ham shack. Support TheSmokinApe Channel on Patreon Here: 3D Printed Dipole Build: My Antenna Playlist: Links to products in the video: GearIT Speaker Wire: NanoVNA: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchas...

Half-Square Antenna

If you want to improve your DX contacts at modest cost, please consider the Half-Square Antenna. In this video, Callum (M0MCX) shows us how to design, make, test, and use this excellent DX antenna. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Callum (M0MCX): How to build a half-square antenna and let us look at the gain structure. Maybe a 40m band project. Ideal if you have some trees maybe? Callum. ----- Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ  (KH6JRM).  

Vertical Extended Double Zepp Antenna for 2 Metres (and more)

Thanks to Australian Radio Amateur Peter Parker (VK3YE) for this vertical extended double zepp antenna for the 2 meter band. The antenna also works well on the 6 meter band. Peter says this "classic" but relatively unknown antenna can provide excellent simplex or repeater coverage.  Most of the materials for this antenna can be found at building supply outlets or at your nearest hardware store. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are a few comments from Peter (VK3YE): A very simple but very good omnidirectional vertical antenna for VHF FM simplex and repeaters. But that's not all. What is it? It's a extended double zepp antenna for 2m. And it does 6m as well. Watch to find out how easy one is to build. PS: If you liked this video please consider supporting Amateur Radio VK3YE by: * Subscribing on YouTube, * Checking my books page at * Sho...

Ham Radio-An end fed half wave cage antenna

If you want a bit more bandwidth for your HF antenna, please try this classic antenna design built by Kevin Loughin (KB9RLW). The end fed half wave cage antenna will take some time to build and adjust for optimum performance.  Your efforts will be rewarded with more bandwidth and perhaps a bit stronger signal. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Kevin (KB9RLW): Another comparison between a single wire and a cage arrangement. This time on the end fed half wave antenna. Link to the separator part on thingiverse: If you like my videos, please subscribe here: If you want me to keep making more videos like this, consider becoming my patron at Patreon: Discuss this and other videos on Facebook: ----- Th...

Simple, Stealthy, Multi-band Vertical Antenna

If you need a simple, easily assembled HF antenna for both home and portable use, please try this "stealthy, multi-band vertical antenna" from Tim (G5TM). With the exception of a wide-range antenna transmatch (i.e. "tuner"), you should have most of the materials for this project in your junk box.  Stores such as Loew's, Home Depot, or Ace Hardware offer a variety of parts, including wire, support rope, and insulators. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are a few comments from Tim (G5TM): Just one 4 or 7 metre long vertical wire fed at the base with a remote tuner and a decent, easy to transport, ground system. A good idea for a quick to erect and remove portable and/or low profile antenna for stealthy home installations. Connect with my channel by subscribing and commenting. ----- Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).  

How to make a Doublet Antenna for Ham Radio HF Bands

If you want a multiband HF Antenna for the Ham Radio Bands, then this classic "Doublet Antenna" is for you. Callum (M0MCX) takes us step-by-step through the design, construction, and testing of this versatile antenna.  Unlike many dipole antennas, this project uses a balanced feed line and an antenna transmatch (i.e. "tuner") to match your HF transceiver to the relatively high impedance of the doublet antenna. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Callum (M0MCX): Ideally suited to operators with a good quality ATU system, a doublet offers an all-band-solution to HF but will need re-tuning each time you change bands. Enjoy. Callum. DX Commander. More videos: Antenna Modelling Tips and Tricks Antennas

HF Multiband Antennas you can easily make.

Thanks to Peter Waters (G3OJV) for this upbeat, even inspiring, discussion of multiband antennas for small spaces. Although Peter aims this video to those just beginning their Amateur Radio experience, he includes suggestions and ideas that will apply to both new and verteran radio amateurs. His explanations are clear and well-illustrated.  Place this video in your ham radio library for future use.  You never know when these basic ideas will prove useful. ----- Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).  

Building a Delta Loop Antenna for 6M FM

If you want a simple, inexpensive, portable 6 meter FM antenna, then this project from Gil ("Radio Prepper") is for you. Gil takes us step-by-step through the design, construction, and testing phases of this easily-built antenna. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Gil: The delta loop full-wave antenna is easy to build, cheap, and has slightly better performance than a dipole. I built mine for my apartment to operate on 6m FL with my VRM-5080 military radio. Get extra content on Patreon: DISCLAIMER: The Radio Prepper logo (depicting a microphone) is indeed inspired from a famous flag created in 1775. It is NOTHING BUT a symbol of freedom and independence. It does NOT imply support to any political group. It does NOT imply, represent nor support any ideology with an intent on harming anyone. Freedom means freedom ...

The Survival Antenna

Here's a simple survival antenna made from coax and a few basic parts.  You may already have this antenna in your junk box. Although Zoa Phillips's antenna is cut for the 2 meter Amateur Radio Band, you can design the antenna for any band you prefer. This antenna resembles the classic "slim jim" antenna which radio amateurs have used for years. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).  

Ultimate Guide: How to install radials for vertical antennas

Thanks to Callum (M0MCX) for this "ultimate guide" to installing radials for vertical antennas.  The key to improving performance of your vertical antenna lies with a properly installed ground radial or counterpoise system. Callum (M0MCX) takes us step-by-step through the ground radial installation process.  Your efforts will result in better contacts and enhanced performance of your vertical antenna. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Callum (M0MCX): This is how I've installed 32 radials for my vertical in the back yard - I've done mine now and I'm very pleased with the result. Callum. More videos: Antenna Modelling Tips and Tricks Antennas Live Streams