A High Performance Antenna for restricted spaces
Thanks to Hayden of the "Ham Radio DX" video channel for this ultra simple Moxon Antenna for the 6 meter Amateur Radio Band. If you have limited space for an antenna, please try this design. Moxon Antennas are simple, easy-to-build antennas that deliver good performance at a moderate cost. You can follow the basic instruction in this video to build Moxon Antennas for several Amateur Radio Bands. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6MUSeI1Kh8 Here are some comments from Hayden: Our Field Day is coming up, so we decided to build one for the 6 meter band and demonstrate the fun that can be had building and experimenting with antennas! This is a Moxon antenna and it is a popular directional 2 element beam antenna that takes up less space (70%) than a standard yagi. Moxon Generator š http://tippete.net/cgi-bin/moxgen.pl Another SUPER SIMPLE Antenna to Build for 6 Meters! š h...