
Showing posts from August, 2022

How I made a simple portable tripod antenna

If you want a "simple but effective tripod antenna" for field or emergency operations, please try this idea from Carl (M0SZT). This antenna can also be used as a "stealth antenna" for radio amateurs living in deed-restricted properties. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are a few comments from Carl (M0SZT): I cannot take credit for this idea, I'm sure Noah had a version of this on the Ark. I reused my Proam 20m whip and added this to a tripod with radials. The reason I did this was the mobile antenna on the car wasn't very efficient. Luckily I have a camera tripod mount from the Superantenna however with a little bit of DIY you can make your own base as shown in the video. Good luck, tell me how you get on. I would be very grateful if you could support me through Patreon via a small monthly donation, this will help me to develop the channel furthe...

The Best Invisible Attic Antenna

Here's another great stealth antenna for those operating from deed-restricted properties. Peter Waters (G3OJV) shows how to use your attic for antenna placement...a simple answer to an often complex problem If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: ----- Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).  

A 6 meter cage dipole using window line

If you want a little broader band width for your 6 meter operations, please try this cage dipole design from Kevin Loughin (KB9RLW). This antenna is inexpensive, efficient, and portable. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some additional comments from Kevin (KB9RLW): Link to blog post: If you like my videos, please subscribe here: If you want me to keep making more videos like this, consider becoming my patron at Patreon: Discuss this and other videos on Facebook: ----- Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).  

Using a mobile antenna in a fixed location

Mobile antennas, configured with a good ground radial or counterpoise system, can become excellent antennas for both home and portable operations. In this video from Dave Cassler (KE0OG), we see how mobile antennas can be modified for home station use. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Dave (KE0OG): om, N6AJR, is a older gentleman who has some trouble getting around, and he would like to mount one of his mobile antennas to a metal picnic table or a tripod. Dave has a few pointers before proceeding. Subscribe: . Ask Dave Playlist: . Tip Jar: Edited by Callum Jakeman To learn more about me, visit: Tip jar (on my website): (provides a method to use your credit card via PayPal, Also describes Patreon) To pose an As...

DL8LA's special RX short vertical HIZ is born

A new RX short vertical antenna is born. Views expressed in this Amateur Radio antenna article are those of the reporters and correspondents. Accessed on 27 August 2022, 1452 UTC. Content provided by DL8LA via "" Source: Please click link or scroll down to read the full article. Thanks for joining us today. Russ Roberts ( DL8LAS special RX short vertical HIZ is born Posted date:  August 22, 2022 in:  Antenna Another DL8LAS special RX short vertical HIZ is born. This antenna works from 50 khz to 30 Mhz. All details can you find here:

3Y0J Bouvet Telescopic Masts

3Y0J Bouvet Telescopic Masts. Views expressed in this post are those of the reporters and correspondents. Accessed on 26 August 2022, 1440 UTC. Content supplied by "" Source: Please click link or scroll down to read the full article. Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM). 3Y0J Bouvet Telescopic Masts Posted date:  August 18, 2022 in:  Antenna ā€œWe are pleased to announce the new Bouvet series of telescopic masts, the ALU-3Y0J made from anodized aluminum and the GLV-3Y0J, made from galvanized steel. Both masts are designed to support at 9m full height the antennas that will be used during the upcoming DX-pedition to  Bouvet island  on January 2023, in extreme wind loads (35m/sec ā€“ 125Km/hr).   The  ALU-3Y0J  has 4 sections from thick 4mm anodized aluminum and can support an antenna load of 25 Kg/1.2m 2  at 9m operating height. It weighs only 30 Kg and it is 2.7m whe...

Best HF Mobile Antenna Options

A nicely done, informational video from Tony Wiltshire of ML&S Ham Radio Store in the UK. Tony shows some of the latest HF Mobile Antenna equipment available today.   If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Tony: For this week's Something for the Weekend Pre-Loved special, we take you through a a selection of the HF mobile antenna options available at ML&S this week! Running Order: 00:00 - Intro 00:30 - Cable Assemblys 00:45 - CAB-MC-ECH (Ā£12.95) 01:30 - CAB-MC-4MT (Ā£19.96) 02:10 - Antenna Mounts 02:25 - Diamond K-400 (Ā£33.95) 03:45 - Nagoya RB-700 (Ā£18.95) 04:00 - Mag Mounts 04:15 - Siro MAG-145 (Ā£34.96) https://www.hamradio....

Simple DX Vertical Antenna for 20-10 meters

Thanks to Tim (G5TM) for this innovative DX antenna for the 20-10 meter Amateur Radio bands. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Tim (G5TM): Testing out the 25 foot (7.6 metres) Vertical Doublet for the 20-10 metre bands. Connect with my channel by subscribing and commenting. ----- Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).  

Stealth HF Antenna the HOA will never find

If you live in a deed-restricted home, then this stealth antenna from the "HOA Ham" may interest you. Because the HF Antenna is hidden by roof shingles, it remains almost invisible unless you're very close to the installation. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from the "HOA Ham." I installed this Stealth HOA wire end fed Antenna that is invisible unless you are 6 inches away from it; the HOA will never find it. HOA Ham HOA Ham Facebook Group: XPA125B AMP Facebook Group: Email: Want to help fund future content? Use my below affiliate links (I may receive a small commission) or leave a tip via PayPal: āž½ Xiegu / Radioddity Discounts: āž½ AnyTone & BridgeCom Gear: āž½ ht...