Antenna Length Chart in Feet and Meters
Antenna Length Chart. Views expressed in this Amateur/Ham Radio article are those of the reporters and correspondents. Accessed on 31 July 2022, 1315 UTC. Content supplied by W7LK via "" Source: Please click link or scroll down to read your selections. Thanks for joining us today. Russ Roberts ( Antenna Length Chart in Feet and Meters Antenna Length Chart in Feet and Meters Ham Band Frequency (Mhz) 1/4 Ī» (Feet) 1/2 Ī» Dipole (Feet ) 1 Ī» Loop (Feet) 1/4 Ī» (Meters) 1/2 Ī» Dipole (Meters) 1 Ī» Loop (Meters) 160 1.800 130' 0'' 260' 0'' 558' 4'' 39.6 79.3 170.2 1.850 126' 6'' 253' 0'' 543' 3'' 38.6 77.1 165.6 1.900 123' 2'' 246' 4'' 528' 11'' 37.5 75.1 161.2 2.000 117' 0'' 234' 0'' 502' 6'' 35.7 71.3 153.2 80 3.500 66' 10'' 1...