Vertical Antennas, Ground Planes, and Radials for Ham Radio

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This is post 2706 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas.

Thanks to "TheSmokinApe" for this excellent discussion of the different variables found with vertical antennas.  A good introduction to vertical antenna theory and practice.

Here are some general comments from "TheSmokinApe":

In this video, we discuss vertical antennas, ground planes, and radials for ham radio. We also use a tool called MMANA-GAL to do some antenna modeling. Please consider supporting TheSmokinApe Channel on Patreon Here: Links to products in the video: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Check out my Antenna Playlist: If you liked this video you can see more like it here: You can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram:


Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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