Home alone for the weekend means ham radio

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This is post 2677 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas.

The weekend is a perfect time to spend on ham radio.  In this video, Carl (M0SZT) uses his free time to build a simple, effective 17 meter antenna for some "at home" operating.

If you have no prior commitments for the weekend, spend some time improving your ham shack or designing a new antenna project.

Here are some general comments from Carl:

I had the house mostly to myself for a weekend which means I can play a bit more ham radio than normal. I made a number of European contacts on FT8 which were easy, I managed Japan and Russia on FT8, with a small number of voice contacts. I was happy with this. The coax is Formula Zero F Zero Ultra Low Loss Coax I'm a licensed amateur radio operator from the United Kingdom. My YouTube channel features videos focusing on operating portable radio from various locations plus how to videos, tutorials, insights and conversations in the hobby.


Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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