If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Lna5B91doA This post 2607 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. A good, basic discussion of how dipole antennas work and some of the misconceptions surrounding this "classic" HF antenna. Dave Casler (KE0OG) does an excellent job of showing us the advantages and disadvantages of using a variety of dipole antenna configurations. Here are some comment from Dave: Oggie Don Gardner, KC3RDV, has questions about feeding a dipole. He doesn't want the coax hanging down in the middle of the yard and is looking for options. We look at center-fed dipoles, off-center-fed dipoles, and end-fed dipoles. Subscribe: https://youtube.com/user/davecasler ā . Ask Dave Playlist: https://goo.gl/inaQeB ā . Tip Jar: http://ke0og.net/tip-jar ā To learn more about me, visit: http://www.dcasler.com/about/ ā Tip jar (on my website): http://www.dcasler.com/tip-j...