Build your own L network antenna tuner

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This is post 2563 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas.

One of the most important accessories in your ham shack is the antenna transmatch or "tuner."

An antenna tuner is a basic necessity for a variety of antennas, including end-fed random length wires.

In this video, Kevin Loughin (KB9RLW) shows us how to build a simple, inexpensive L network tuner for end-fed wire antennas.

Here are some comments from Kevin:

They're really very simple to build. I over-built this one to make it clear for the video, but you could make it smaller, put it in a nice box with labels and paint. ;-) I did just that in a newer video. The antenna I had connected for the demo is an external 98 foot end fed wire.
Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).



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