How to Build a 9:1 UnUn for Ham Radio

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If you use an end-fed "long" wire antenna for your HF operations, then you'll find this simple antenna accessory a most needed addition to your antenna system.

According to "Tinker John" (W5CYF), this basic 9:1 UnUn is easy to make, inexpensive, and will take only a few hours to build.

Here are some of John's comments:

Simple and inexpensive to build the 9:1 end fed long wire antenna is a good antenna for both portable and home use. This antenna, like all antennas, has it advantages and disadvantage. You’ll see some of both in this how to video. Amazon Link for other suggested items that may be related to this video: Royalty Free music courtesy of YouTube Creative Tools – Sioux Falls by Silent Partne


Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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