Antenna Comparison For SOTA

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This is post 2486 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas.

Thanks to Charlie (NJ7V) and Gaston (KT1RUN) for this interesting test of three popular VHF SOTA (Summits on the Air) antennas.

Once you finish the video, you'll have an excellent idea which SOTA VHF antenna works best, considering weight, set up procedures, and operating convenience.

Here are some general comments from Charlie and Gaston:

On this Summits on the Air activation I'm joined by Gaston KT1RUN from TheTechPrepper Youtube Channel. We hopped in his jeep and drove to the base of Blackjack Point, then we hike the short distance to the top. I had previously lined up a few people to help me run some tests (unscientific and unempirical) on the three antennas I use most often for SOTA activations - the 3 element Yagi-Uda, the Roll-up J-Pole and the stock rubber duck. I also check out Gaston's setup, and believe me, he has some impressive gear. Twitter: @NJ7V_ Instagram: RedSummitRF Facebook: Red Summit RF The Tech Prepper YouTube Instagram Twitter Gear Role-up J-Pole 3-element Yagi - Homebrew by K7AJF - ask direct and I'll give you his contact info (similar Bioenno 12aH Battery PowerFilm Solar Pannels SotaBeams Carbon-6 Mast Black Widow Antenna Mast Nite Ize Gear Tie #MNHR #SOTA #HamRadio #SummitsOnTheAir #PortableOps


Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).



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