70 cm Satellite Antenna-cheap and easy

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This is post 2506 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas.

How would you like to build a sensitive, effective 70 cm Satellite Antenna at minimum cost?

You can build this antenna based on a design from Richard F. Crow (N2SPI) in just a few hours using many common materials around your home.

A producer for "Branvini Films" explains just how easy it is to make a cheap, effective UHF Satellite Antenna:

Here is Richard F. Crow, N2SPI's "Cheap Yagi for 70cm" from his 2006 article entitled, "Build this Cheap and Easy Satellite Downlink Antenna" on Amsat.org. I built this in one evening after dinner, and did a time lapse so you could see how easy this project reall is to build. Total cost is about $30. It's beam is made of foam poster-board and the elements are #8 AWG wire, and a radio connector. Here are some helpful links: - Article: https://www.amsat.org/articles/n2spi/...
Thanks for joining us today.
Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).



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