6 antennas for 6 meters

Antennas for the "Magic Band" (6 Meters).

Views expressed in this Amateur Radio antenna article are those of the reporters and correspondents.

Content provided by "The DX Zone."

Accessed on 10 January 2021, 2211 UTC, Post 2479.

Source:   https://www.dxzone.com/6-antenna-for-6-meters/

Please click link or scroll down to read the full article.

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


If you're ever wanted to try the Amateur Radio Six Meter Band, then this article from "The DX Zone" is for you.  

Most of these antennas are compact, inexpensive, and easily made.

According to "The DX Zone", these are the most popular 6 Meter Antennas among radio amateurs:

Here you can find six different type of antennas you may build to start operating on six meters band.

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