
Showing posts from 2021

Effective Indoor Antennas

  If you live in deed-restricted homes or apartments, indoor antennas may help you pursue your amateur radio activities without arousing your neighbors' suspicions. In this video, David Casler (KE0OG) shows us how to design, build, and test antennas suitable for indoor operations. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: This is post 2855 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. Here are some comments from David: Peirre, KM4WSJ, lives in Florida and is often victim to powerful lightning and thunder storms and is forced to disconnect his antenna. His question to Dave, Can you recommend a homebrew antenna that I could use indoors and could switch from the outdoor to the indoor during thunderstorms? Subscribe: . Ask Dave Playlist: . Tip Jar: Edited by Callum Jakeman To learn more about me...

Build a Dipole Antenna Center Insulator

Here's a handy, simple, and inexpensive dipole antenna accessory that will support your antenna and protect feed line connections from the weather. Michael Martens does a good job of assembling this center insulator from readily available parts. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: This is post 2854 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. Here are a few comments from Michael: The dipole is a common antenna for the amateur radio operator; and with good reason- dipoles are easy to build and are proven performers. Recently I wanted to build a dipole but didn't have a center insulator. Instead of paying $25-45 and waiting days for deliveryā€š I decided to build my own for about $12 using common parts (with the exception of the SO-239) and tools available at your local home improvement store. Parts List: 1 - Ā¾ x Ā¾ x 1 inch PVC Tee connector 2 - Ā¾ inch PVC plugs 1 - 1 inch PV...

20 metres-Simple DX Antenna-Quarter Wave Vertical

Thanks to Tim (G5TM) for this simple, inexpensive 20 meter vertical antenna.  Armed with a suitable balun and a good ground/counterpoise system, this antenna will deliver excellent results for the 20 meter Amateur Radio band. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: This is post 2853 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. Here are some comment fromTim: Easy peasy to build and a very effective antenna for DX! Details of the mini 1:1 current Balun are here: ----- Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).    

MFJ-1622 Apartment Antenna

  If you live in a deed-restricted home or apartment, you may find the MFJ-1622 useful in getting on the air.  Mark Elzey shows us his MFJ antenna and explains how it works. I have used this antenna during the past and found it a workable compromise for HOAs and CC&Rs. I improved the performance of this antenna by replacing the stock feedline with RG-8X and by using a better counterpoise. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: This is post 2852 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. Here are some comments from Mark: I'm just showing off the mfj 1622 apartment antenna this may be a help for some that might be trying to get on HF may not be able to put up a big antenna Anna small location such as an HOA or an apartment which do not allow antennas on rooftops I hope this antenna all this little demonstration. I shall may help thank you all the best in 73's ----- Th...

Ham Radio HF Vertical Antenna for a Small Garden

Thanks to Peter of the Waters & Stanton Video Channel for this intriguing 4-band HF vertical antenna, which can fit comfortably on a small urban lot. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: This is post 2851 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. Here are some comments from Peter: Here is an interesting design that you can build yourself. Ideal for small gardens yet full size performance. Build your own 49:1 Matching Transformer: Spider Poles ----- Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).  

The magic of a 5/8 antenna length

Thanks to Callum (M0MCX) for this excellent comparison between  1/4 wave and 5/8 wave antennas. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser seach box:   This is post 2850 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. Here are some comments from Callum: The Magic of a 5/8th Antenna Length 34,528 views ā€¢ Aug 28, 2020 ā€¢ Let's look at the Pattern of Both 1/4 wave and 5/8th wave Antennas and discuss the Matching. Why a 3/4 wave is a perfect candidate to turn into a 5/8ths antenna and we prepare for the Nebula Class 18m DX Commander and look at why I'm thinking of 5/8ths for each element for 20m and up. Callum. M0MCX. ----- Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

403 cheap diy homebrew antennas for Ham Radio

If you need some new antenna ideas, please check this list from K3RRR. Most of these HF Antennas are inexpensive and easy to build. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser:   This is post 2849 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. Here are some comments from K3RRR: 403 CHEAP DIY Homebrew Wire Antennas for Ham Radio How would you like to have a FREE picture book PDF of 403 CHEAP do-it-yourself homebrew wire antennas that you can easily construct for your own ham radio station? Did I mention CHEAP? Keep watching to the end to get your no strings, no hassle, free PDF copy! Did I mention cheap AND free?? ā€œSo Easy, A Cave Ham Could Do It!ā€ Stay tuned! Be sure and subscribe now so you do not miss the upcoming videos on many other ham radio facets that make this hobby so incredibly enjoyable! Subscribe for more great ham radio videos by clicking -...

Best Ham Radio Antenna on eBay

If you shop wisely on eBay, you can get some excellent antenna bargains. In this video from KC5HWB (Jason), we see several examples of inexpensive, efficient, and easily-deployable HF antennas. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box:   This is post 2848 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. Here are some comments from Jason: What is the Best Ham Radio Antenna you can get on eBay? Today I got through 3 of my choices that have worked well for me, but I would like to hear your thoughts also. Links: ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…Support This Channel and Help Spread the Word about Ham Radioā˜…ā˜…ā˜… āœ…PATREON: āœ…YouTube: āœ…Shop our Products: āœ…Shop our Amazon Store: Commissions can be earned on Affiliate Links ...