Homebrew Slinky Ham Radio Antenna

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Amateur Radio operators have used a variety of "experimental" antennas for their home and portable operations.  Among the more curious materials used for HF antennas is the "Slinky Dipole Antenna" based on the popular children's toy.

In this video from "Tinker John" (W5CYF), we see how this expandable steel wire helix can be used as an emergency HF antenna.

Because of the complex impedances involved, it may be best to use a balanced feeder (450-ohm window line) and a wide-range antenna "tuner" to keep SWR low and efficiency as high as possible.

Here are some general comments from W5CYF:

A step-by-step look at building a low cost (under $10) dipole antenna. The question is...will it work? Suggested items that may be related to this video: https://www.amazon.com/shop/w5cyftink...
Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).



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