Portable Vertical Antenna for 20M and 40M
If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvMMS6ADpuI&ab_channel=HamRadioPortable This is post 2405 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. Thanks to Steve (KM4SLW) and his friends at "Ham Radio Portable" for this efficient, lightweight, inexpensive vertical antenna for the 20 meter and 40 meter Amateur Radio bands. Although the antenna is designed for portable or field use, it can be used at your home station as well. Here are some details from Steve: he idea for this antenna came from the qrpguys.com website. This one is built to handle 100W on ssb. The box has one T157-2 powered iron toroid with 24 turns of 18ga. enameled wire. For 20m the core is bypassed as the antenna wire is already a 1/4 wave on 20m- 16'-5". For 40m , the connection uses the core that provides the inductance to make the wire electrically appear to be a 1/4 wave on 40 meters. The core has around...