Live stream of first HF contacts

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Who can forget their first time on the air?  Your first contact marks your introduction into the fascinating world of Amateur/Ham Radio.

In this video, we see what happens when YL Emily McCormick (M6ELM) sends her first "CQ."

According to Southgate Amateur Radio Club News (, Emily got her amateur radio license about 10 years ago but had never operated.

Assisted by Callum McCormick (M0MCX), Emily overcame a few uncertain moments and created a genuine pile-up during the following hour.

This video shows her first HF effort which was streamed by Callum (M0MCX).

I think Emily did an excellent job during her first ham radio adventure.  Congratulations to Emily and to all "first timers" on the air.
Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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