Rotating Tower at Jim Heath's (W6LG) home.

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This is post 2328 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas.

Although Jim Heath (W6LG) can have a tower at his deed-restricted home, there are height restrictions (30 ft/9.146 m) which he had to overcome.  This brief video shows how Jim was able to use his height limitations for his advantage.

Here are some program notes from video:

Jim Heath W6LG shows his newly installed antenna and tower at his residence. The tower has a maximum height of 30 feet as restricted by Placer County Ordinances as show in the County General Plan and adopted by the City Rocklin. The tower rotates because it sits on a thrust bearing. The antenna system is designed to provide emergency communications when used by Federally Licensed Amateur Radio Operators. Jim during the last 56 years on the air has helped in emergencies several times. He has been given awards from the Board of Supervisors for his service to the community.

Another example of making lemonade from lemons.
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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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