How to build a 10 Meter Dipole

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This is post 2319 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas.

Although this video addresses newly-licensed Technician Class licensees, old timers such as I can still learn a few tricks about this
somewhat unusual amateur radio band.

Randy Hall (K7AGE) does an excellent job of explaining how to work the 10 Meter Band with a basic, inexpensive dipole antenna.

Even though propagation doesn't favor 10 meter operations now, the band is excellent for local, state, and even regional "rag chews" and informal nets.  DX can be worked every now and then, so keep your standby receiver tuned to your favorite 10 meter frequency.

You can even convert an old 23 or 40 channel CB (11 meters) transceiver to work on 10 meters.  Check local swap meets or moving out sales--you may find your next conversion project at almost no cost.
Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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