AIR 25 Inflated Tower for Amateur Radio & CERT

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This is post 2203 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas.

If you or your club needs a portable, easily deployed mast for emergency communications, why not get the "AIR 25 Inflated Tower" for your "field" operations?

Here's a brief discussion of the tower from the manufacturer's video:

"Quick Start Guide to setting up a 25 foot tall inflatable antenna tower invented by LTA Projects...and built especially for Amateur Radio and for CERT Teams. This is a revolutionary way to temporarily put your antenna up. Perfect where there are neighborhood restrictions on permanent antennas...or just to take your rig on the road with you. Or use it with a cell repeater if you're an RV-er on the road looking for better cell reception at your stops in remote areas. It performs amazingly well in winds & is VERY safe to use. We have larger versions operating with Emergency Management and Law Enforcement all over the US. For more information or to purchase these affordable towers visit us at"
Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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