What Is A W3EDP Antenna. Post 1947.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMWz_UzEYOM.

If you want a simple, compact, and easy to deploy multiband HF antenna, please consider the "classic" W3EDP design from the mid-1930s by H.B. Siegal (W3EDP). Siegal's close friend, Yardley Beers (W3AWH), published the details in the March  1936 edition of "QST."

As originally built, Siegal envisioned a multiband HF antenna using a wire length of 67 to 85 feet/20.42 to 25.91 meters in conjunction with a counterpoise of 17 feet/5.18 meters.  Both 67 and 85 feet/20.42 and 25.91 meters seem to work well from 80 through 10 meters.  A wide-range antenna "tuner" and a 4:1 current balun are needed to get maximum efficiency from the antenna.

In this well-organized video from antenna builder John (WB6V), we get a basic understanding of both the theoretical and practical background of this antenna and some of John's personal experiences using the antenna system.  You may have to experiment a bit with various counterpoise lengths, especially on 20 meters. If you design the W3EDP carefully, you'll have a useful, efficient multiband HF antenna for portable and emergency use.

For more information on this fascinating antenna, please visit this website:


Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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