KK4OBI-Bent Dipoles. Post 1956.

Bent Dipole Antennas from KK4OBI
Source:  https://www.qsl.net/kk4obi/Center-fed%20Dipole%20selection.html
Accessed on 12 August 2019.
Content provided by Dick Reid (KK4OBI).

One of the simplest and cost effective HF antennas you can build is the "classic" dipole antenna.  The dipole can be fed with 50 ohm coaxial cable for single band use or with balanced feed line into a balanced "tuner" for multiband HF applications.

The dipole antenna is amazingly "forgiving" and can be shaped to fit your property or the confines of a portable operation.

You can still use a dipole antenna fairly well, even if you have to "bend" it out of shape to fit  your needs.

In this post from Dick Reed (KK4OBI), we explore at least 16 types of "bent" dipole antennas that will work in your yard:  These variation range from the traditional horizontal HF dipole and inverted V to bent end dipoles and vertical dipole configurations.

Dick provides an in-depth explanation of each dipole type and offers helpful design and construction suggestions.  Don't let space or deed restrictions keep you from getting on the air.  Experiment with a few of Dick's designs and select the best one that works for you.

For more details, please visit his website:  https://www.qsl.net/kk4obi/Center-fed%20Dipole%20selection.html

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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