Indoor Bent Vertical Dipole 10-20 Meters. Post 1949.

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Here's a fascinating idea for radio amateurs living in deed-restricted housing (HOAs/CC&Rs).

In this video, KL7JR makes a pvc pipe-based spiral antenna capable of fitting into his 4 ft X 8 ft (1.21 m X 2.43 m) living room window.  Each bent leg is 17 ft/5.18 m long and fits with some space to share in that window frame.

KL7JR describes the antenna in detail:

total length of each leg of the antenna is 17 feet long (each 2 inch diameter coil, one per leg, measures about 14 feet of #14 solid insulated wire). I find the solid wire easier to work with and form the coils. I made the coils larger to better utilize the space I had (hmmm will that work?). My windows were of the new high efficiency plastic style which afforded me a lot of glass and not much metal framing to worry about interference. My LDG-100 auto tuner easily tuned 10, 12, 15, 17 and 20 meters quickly, so that was a good sign for me. Band conditions were terrible the past 3 weekends up here (March 2009) but I managed to work Oregon, Washington, California, Idaho, Montana, New Jersey and Ontario, Canada with S5 or better reports each way on 20 meters. I set my output power to 50 watts so as not to advertise to the neighbors what I was up to! When the bands improve, I will go QRP. On my second QSO with W2NQ in Oregon, 3 weeks apart, John asked how my antenna experiment was going and gave me a 5x8 report. He was a loud 5x9 with me. He was in QSO with W7EL mobile in New Jersey and asked me to call him. W7EL and I exchanged reports- he was 5x1 and I was a 5x3, then we both traded 5x5s a minute later. Not bad for an indoor antenna working a mobile antenna! Later on I added an "ugly balun" near the feedpoint for added insurance
If you have limited space, you may want to try this antenna.

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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