Ham Radio 10 Meter Ground Plane Antenna. Post 1976.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLgFeTpIX4A.

Thanks to Dave Tadlock (KG0ZZ) for this comprehensive look at making a simple 10 meter ground plane antenna.  The antenna can be placed on a mast or deployed as a ground mounted vertical antenna.

Dave takes you step-by-step in the design, construction, and testing of this versatile antenna.  Even though propagation doesn't support much 10 meter activity these days, you can get plenty of local and regional coverage during the day.  Why not start a local 10 meter net, conduct code practice, or join Ten-Ten International to keep the band alive?  Technician licensees also have a small slice of the band for SSB contacts as well as CW and other digital modes.

Dave has done a thorough job of explaining how to make an effective antenna at a reasonable price.

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Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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